1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.e3 c5 5.Nge2 0-0 6.a3 Bxc3+ 7.Nxc3 b6 8.Bd3 cxd4 9.exd4 d5 10.0-0 dxc4 11.Bxc4 Nc6 12.d5 Ne5 13.Ba2 exd5 14.Nxd5 Bb7 15.Nxf6+ Qxf6 16.Qh5 g6 17.Qh3 h5 18.Bd2 Ba6 19.Rfd1 Nd3 20.Bc3 Qxf2+ 21.Kh1 Nf4 22.Qg3 Qxg3 23.hxg3 Ne2 24.Bf6 Nxg3+ 25.Kh2 Ne4 26.Be7 Rfe8 27.Rd7 Bb5 28.Rc7 Nf2 29.Bd5 Rac8 30.Rac1 Ba6 31.Kg1 Ng4 32.Bb3 Kg7 33.Bd6 Rxc7 34.Bxc7 Bb7 35.Kf1 Ne3+ 36.Kf2 Nxg2 37.Bg3 Ne3 38.Rc7 Ng4+ 39.Kg1 Ba8 40.Rxa7 Kh6 41.Bxf7 Rf8 42.Bd6 Rd8 0-1 (Time)
Δευτέρα, Οκτωβρίου 29, 2007
Κυριακή, Οκτωβρίου 21, 2007
ΩΡΑ ΓΙΑ ΣΚΑΚΙ - ΡΙΟ 2007 1ος Γύρος
Κόκκαλης(2129)- Νικολακόπουλος(1920)
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.Bf4 b6 4.e3 Bb7 5.Bd3 Be7 6.Nbd2 c5 7.c3 Nc6 8.Nc4 d5 9.Nce5 Nxe5 10.Nxe5 0-0 11.Qf3 Rc8 12.Qh3 g6 13.Bh6 Re8 14.Bb5 cxd4 15.exd4 a6 16.Bxe8 Qxe8 17.0-0 a5 18.Rfe1 Qb5 19.Nxf7 Qxb2 20.Qxe6 1-0
1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 e6 3.Bf4 b6 4.e3 Bb7 5.Bd3 Be7 6.Nbd2 c5 7.c3 Nc6 8.Nc4 d5 9.Nce5 Nxe5 10.Nxe5 0-0 11.Qf3 Rc8 12.Qh3 g6 13.Bh6 Re8 14.Bb5 cxd4 15.exd4 a6 16.Bxe8 Qxe8 17.0-0 a5 18.Rfe1 Qb5 19.Nxf7 Qxb2 20.Qxe6 1-0
Τετάρτη, Οκτωβρίου 17, 2007
Περί ωφελιμότητος του σκακιού
One art they say is of no use;
The mellow evenings spent at chess,
The thrill, the triumph, and the truce
To every care, are valueless.
And yet, if all whose hopes were set
On harming man played chess instead,
We should have cities standing yet
Which now are dust upon the dead.
Lord Dunsany (τεύχος Απριλίου 1943 British Chess Magazine)
The mellow evenings spent at chess,
The thrill, the triumph, and the truce
To every care, are valueless.
And yet, if all whose hopes were set
On harming man played chess instead,
We should have cities standing yet
Which now are dust upon the dead.
Lord Dunsany (τεύχος Απριλίου 1943 British Chess Magazine)
Τρίτη, Οκτωβρίου 16, 2007
I grew up bent over
a chessboard.
I loved the word endgame.
All my cousins looked worried.
It was a small house
near a Roman graveyard.
Planes and tanks
shook its windowpanes.
A retired professor of astronomy
taught me how to play.
That must have been in 1944.
In the set we were using,
the paint had almost chipped off
the black pieces.
The white King was missing
and had to be substituted for.
I'm told but do not believe
that that summer I witnessed
men hung from telephone poles.
I remember my mother
blindfolding me a lot.
She had a way of tucking my head
suddenly under her overcoat.
In chess, too, the professor told me,
the masters play blindfolded,
the great ones on several boards
at the same time.
Charles Simic, "Prodigy" from Charles Simic: Selected Early Poems.
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